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Common Tests

eye doctor with scopeWhile there are some basic eye vision tests common to most eye exams, children and young adults have different vision testing needs than say, a healthy middle-aged adult, or an adult with a history of eye problems.

Vision testing equipment ranges from simple tools like the “Big E” eye chart (Snellen Chart) and a hand-held penlight and eye cover, to more complex devices that swap lenses in front of your eyes or use special lamps to view the eye’s structure. A comprehensive eye exam includes vision testing, and vision testing equipment that is common to almost all eye exams, but is often tailored to your age, your specific need, or your individual symptoms. The following are some common tests you may be given during a routine eye exam.


(Special thanks to the EyeGlass Guide, for informational material that aided in the creation of this website. Visit the EyeGlass Guide today!)

  • Eye dilation means your pupil in front of the eye has been opened using special drops.
  • Glaucoma testing involves measuring internal eye pressure and a detailed scan of the retina for signs of disease.
  • Peripheral vision testing is the part of the eye exam that tests the “outside” of your vision.
  • A slit lamp exam is a magnified analysis of your eye from front to back.


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